Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011


  • for 3-6 players
  • Tons of replay value
  • Popular train theme
  • Takes about 90 minutes to play
  • For 3-6 players and takes around 90 minutes to play

Sales Rank: 119938
Brand Detail:MayFair Games
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Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
Discover a modern European classic. Celebrate one of the world's most vital and enduring passions: railroads. Use your initial investment to build track. Then pick up commodities where they are grown, mined, or manufactured and deliver them to a lucrative place of demand. Complete a delivery and make the money you need to buy larger, faster trains, and expand your railroad empire. Win the game by building the most effective railroad empire. With over a million variations, Eurorails never grows old. You decide where to lay your tracks. Your only obstacles are rival tracks and Europe's great mountains, channels, and rivers. So, ignore the borders. Capture the industrial spirit of Europe and learn to build an empire. Whether you share Eurorails as an evening with friends or as a rainy day activity with your family, you'll always find it captivating. After enjoying this great game, you can explore one of the many other award-winning Empire Builder games, including titles as diverse as China Rails, Australian Rails, and Martian Rails. Eurorails is geographically accurate. The game depicts Europe's rivers, plains, and mountains, as well as its natural resources. It's a great way to learn about the geography, business, shipping, and transportation of Europe while having loads of fun with friends or family. Eurorails contains: 1 markable gameboard (puzzle-cut map), 2 decks of colorful cards (180 total), 94 color load chips, 1 pack of money, 1 pack of crayons, 6 train pawns, and full-color rules.

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